Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What Will Change In Your Life In The Next Year?

What will change in your life in the next year? What will change in your life in the next month? Do you wait for change to happen? Is the best way to make a change is to actually do something to make the change happen.  

Planners and doers are generally more happy with life than those who wait for change to happen.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to make drastic changes in order to notice an improvement in the quality of your life. At the same time, you don’t need to wait a long time in order to see the measurable results that come from taking positive action. All you have to do is take small steps, and take them consistently, for a period of 100 days or so.

What if taking a class in your field of employment could give you at least a 15% boost in salary? That change could also keep you employed longer or allow you to change locations at will.

Live by the old saying: a place for everything and everything in its place. For the next month follow four rules to keep your house in order:
    If you take it out, put it back.
    If you open it, close it.
    If you drop it, pick it up.
    When you take it off, put it where it should go.

Follow the advice offered by life coaches and write down 5 things that you’re grateful for, and acknowledge them every day.

Make a list of 10 things that you enjoy doing, and make sure that you do at least one of these things every day for the next month.

Choose a book that requires effort and concentration and read a little of it every day, so that you complete it in the next month.

Make it a point to learn at least one new thing each day: the name of a flower that grows in your garden, the capital of a far-off country, or the name of a piece of music you hear playing in your favorite clothing boutique as you shop. If it’s time for bed and you can’t identify anything you’ve learned that day, take out your dictionary and learn a new word.

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If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to www.leapuniversity.biz for more info.

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315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

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