Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Goals Project Manager Should Achieve

Completing your projects on time and within budget constraints and keeping project stakeholders and staff happy are among the most significant goals project managers should expect to achieve.
This is the oldest but trickiest project management goal in the book is Finish On Time. It’s the most difficult because requirements often change during the project and because the original schedule was probably overly optimistic.

accomplish this goal, you need to manage the project correctly. Be ready to implement a change control process so that any changes to the scope are properly managed. Always keep your plan up to date, recording actual as opposed to planned progress. Identify any aberrations from plan and fix them quickly.

If you first strive to finish under budget you may then finish on budget. To make sure that your project costs don't spiral, you need to set a project budget at the start to compare against. Include in this budget all of the project costs that will accrue, whether they have to do with people, equipment, suppliers or materials. Then work out how much each task in your plan is going to cost to complete, and track all deviations from your plan.

Make sure that if you over-spend on some tasks, that you under-spend on others. In this way, you can control your spend and deliver under or on budget.  

When it comes to the staff you need to keep them motivated and happy. If you can meet all the previous goals with a happy team, then you'll be more than willing to do it all again for the next project. And that's how your staff will feel, too. Staff satisfaction is critical to the project's success. 

So keep your team happy by rewarding and recognizing them for their successes. Assign them work that complements their strengths and conduct team building exercises to boost morale. With a happy, motivated team, you can achieve all of your goals. 

And there you have it. The goals every project manager should set at the start of every project.

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