Tuesday, September 15, 2015

What Does Project Management Mean To You?

If you are reading this, then you must know about or have an interest in Project Management. But when you hear or read about Project Management what comes to mind? Does an epic project comes to mind? Do you wonder about the hours of planning and preparation that must have gone into a project? Or do you think it is high time you get certified and make more money being a project leader?

So what does project management mean to you?  I would hope that the following three subjects come to mind.

Effective Leadership
Genuine Teamwork
Great Results

Effective Leadership

Whether you are new to managing projects or have many years under your belt, a project manager must know how to lead.  Over the years many companies issue out certifications on quality assurance, process improvement, project management, technology development, etc.  All have great models for specific purposes but not one spends the time to teach a solid foundation on leadership.  It’s because these institutions assume project managers already know how to lead.

Genuine Teamwork

Great leaders motivate people to want to get the job done; however, building a great team takes time.  

Like children, teams go through an evolutionary process of development.  Your leadership shapes how the team evolves.  To have a great team, team-members have to believe that you can lead them; otherwise, all hope is lost in having a successful project.  

Great Results

Project managers are as good as their last project.  Sadly, people have short-term memories and quickly forget about the successes one has throughout the year; instead, focus is given on projects that go wrong.

Whether you are a project manager in technologies, construction, or operations, it’s critical to quantify your contributions.  You would be surprised on how many project managers don’t know the return on investment for their project or the type of cost avoidance their project would render.

Overall, being a great project manager isn’t easy.  It takes a lot of relationship building, communication, leadership, teamwork, and, in the end, delivering results.  

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to www.leapuniversity.biz for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

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