Monday, September 14, 2015

Learn To Be More Satisfied With Your Life

Are you satisfied with your life? Do you think life is fair to you? What change would need to occur to make you feel satisfied with life? Do words like rich and more money quickly come to mind?
If anything could be changed, what would you like to change?

Many of us have a tendency to let our egos and bank accounts make decisions for us. If we don’t go to that party, they won’t invite us next time. If we say no to that client, they won’t put us on retainer. If we don’t order a cocktail and appetizer, they’ll think we’re boring or broke.

Our emotional and physical well-being often falls to the wayside. Take those personal days, drink water and eat a salad, turn down things that feel wrong.

Improve your education. Learn new things. Do something that makes you more valuable to your company. Make yourself a better person. 

Learn to think before responding. Learn to buy time, fiddle with a pencil, chew on the temple bar of your glasses. Look like you are lost in thought and do it. Since we’re constantly returning texts and replying to emails within five minutes, we’ve gotten into the habit of responding to situations immediately. And it’s just fine when your friend is just emailing to say she’ll be ten minutes late.

The five rules of social media communication…

T … is it true?
H … is it helpful?
I ... is it inspirational?
N … is it necessary?
K … is it kind?

How about these three ideas for making yourself a more positive author to visit. Don’t post or tag photos of fans, customers, co-workers or employees without permission. Don’t tag people or pages that aren’t relevant to your post. And most of all how you don’t ask for Likes, Comments, or Shares. Your readers will reward quality information by sharing or responding to it. If you are being ignored it means you are doing something wrong.

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Tempe Arizona 85284

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