Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Famous Project Managers

Can you name the Project Manager that you admire the most? Can you name 3 project managers that you think are outstanding? How about 5 or more project managers you have read about most recently.

If I asked you to name 5 super stars in any other category… would you have any trouble doing that? If you think that this means that being a project manager is a job that is best described as un-sung you would be right.

It’s easy to think that “project management” is a brand new job description. Naming convention aside, creative and business professionals have been hammering out great work for a very long time. Some with a better knack at juggling products and plans. Here is a list of four project managers and the mark they left behind.

Imhotep was Chancellor of the King of Egypt, First in line after the King of Upper Egypt, Administrator of the Great Palace, Builder, Chief Carpenter, Chief Sculptor, and Maker of Vases in Chief, Chief Justice and Vizier, Greatest of the five of the House of Thoth. 
Key Project: Great Pyramid of Giza

Theodore Judah 
In 1854 Judah found himself invited to a New York meeting. Returning home, he informed his wife, "Anna, I am going to California to be the pioneering railroad engineer of the Pacific coast." Key Project: Central Pacific Railroad

George E. Mueller, PhD
Associate Administrator at NASA 
Key Project: Land a Man on the Moon

Steve Jobs
He insisted that every project at Apple had a DRI, or a directly responsible individual. Following his death, it was reported that Apple had a plan with 4 years worth of Job's projects to complete. 
Key Project: Apple itself or should I say changing our lives.

So now you do know some very famous project managers. Surprised at our list?

Historically, these folks are not always called Project Managers. Certifications, degrees, licenses: All useful and even very necessary. But do you want to know what's even cooler than all that? Their legacy and their outcomes.

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If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to www.leapuniversity.biz for more info.

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315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

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