Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Goals Project Manager Should Achieve

Completing your projects on time and within budget constraints and keeping project stakeholders and staff happy are among the most significant goals project managers should expect to achieve.
This is the oldest but trickiest project management goal in the book is Finish On Time. It’s the most difficult because requirements often change during the project and because the original schedule was probably overly optimistic.

accomplish this goal, you need to manage the project correctly. Be ready to implement a change control process so that any changes to the scope are properly managed. Always keep your plan up to date, recording actual as opposed to planned progress. Identify any aberrations from plan and fix them quickly.

If you first strive to finish under budget you may then finish on budget. To make sure that your project costs don't spiral, you need to set a project budget at the start to compare against. Include in this budget all of the project costs that will accrue, whether they have to do with people, equipment, suppliers or materials. Then work out how much each task in your plan is going to cost to complete, and track all deviations from your plan.

Make sure that if you over-spend on some tasks, that you under-spend on others. In this way, you can control your spend and deliver under or on budget.  

When it comes to the staff you need to keep them motivated and happy. If you can meet all the previous goals with a happy team, then you'll be more than willing to do it all again for the next project. And that's how your staff will feel, too. Staff satisfaction is critical to the project's success. 

So keep your team happy by rewarding and recognizing them for their successes. Assign them work that complements their strengths and conduct team building exercises to boost morale. With a happy, motivated team, you can achieve all of your goals. 

And there you have it. The goals every project manager should set at the start of every project.

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What Will Change In Your Life In The Next Year?

What will change in your life in the next year? What will change in your life in the next month? Do you wait for change to happen? Is the best way to make a change is to actually do something to make the change happen.  

Planners and doers are generally more happy with life than those who wait for change to happen.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to make drastic changes in order to notice an improvement in the quality of your life. At the same time, you don’t need to wait a long time in order to see the measurable results that come from taking positive action. All you have to do is take small steps, and take them consistently, for a period of 100 days or so.

What if taking a class in your field of employment could give you at least a 15% boost in salary? That change could also keep you employed longer or allow you to change locations at will.

Live by the old saying: a place for everything and everything in its place. For the next month follow four rules to keep your house in order:
    If you take it out, put it back.
    If you open it, close it.
    If you drop it, pick it up.
    When you take it off, put it where it should go.

Follow the advice offered by life coaches and write down 5 things that you’re grateful for, and acknowledge them every day.

Make a list of 10 things that you enjoy doing, and make sure that you do at least one of these things every day for the next month.

Choose a book that requires effort and concentration and read a little of it every day, so that you complete it in the next month.

Make it a point to learn at least one new thing each day: the name of a flower that grows in your garden, the capital of a far-off country, or the name of a piece of music you hear playing in your favorite clothing boutique as you shop. If it’s time for bed and you can’t identify anything you’ve learned that day, take out your dictionary and learn a new word.

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Friday, September 25, 2015

When Will You Need Project Management Professional Certification?

I think it may be fair to say that if you know what PMP stands for, Project Management Professional Certification, then you are already certified or you just may need to be certified to further your career.

Are you one of those unfortunate enough to have had your career stalled, or even ended because you lack the PMP certification? Is now the time to begin to pick and choose where and how to gain your PMP Certification?

Do you need to convert your project management capability into a true competitive advantage that will allow you to further your career goals? As you probably already know, Project Management Professional Certification is a job requirement with many firms.

If you need some background information that will help you understand PMP let’s start with this simple description:

Project Management Professional (PMP) is an internationally recognized professional designation offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). There are currently 658,523 active PMP certified individuals and 274 chartered chapters across 204 countries and territories worldwide. The certification exam is based on the PMI Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). Other requirements include a bachelor's degree, at least 4,500 hours of experience leading and directing projects, and 35 hours of formal project management education. A candidate who passes the exam and meets the other professional requirements is awarded the PMP certification.

How does getting your PMP Certification rank with those that follow IT careers?  Government, commercial and other organizations employ PMP certified project managers in an attempt to improve the success rate of projects in all areas of knowledge, by applying a standardized and evolving set of project management principles as contained in PMI's PMBOK Guide.

In December 2005, the PMP credential was tied for fourth place in’s 10 Hottest Certifications for 2006, and in December 2008, it was number 7 of ZDNet’s 10 best IT certifications. More recently, in 2012 and 2013, the PMP credential has been ranked as a top certification by CIO and Global Knowledge.

For 2014, the PMP certification was rated #1 most valuable by IT Career Finder in their "Top 10 Highest Paying IT Certifications for 2014" Outside of IT, the PMP ranked #5 with Global Knowledge "15 Top-Paying Certifications for 2014", and #8 with Careerealism "Top 10 Professional Certifications For A Bright Future"

Our PMP Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled about 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to for more info.

Leap University
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Famous Projects The Gorges Dam China

The Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric dam that spans the Yangtze River by the town of Sandouping, located in Yiling District, Yichang, Hubei province, China. The Three Gorges Dam is the world's largest power station in terms of installed capacity (22,500 MW). The dam is the largest operating hydroelectric facility in terms of annual energy generation, generating 83.7 TWh in 2013 and 98.8 TWh in 2014, while the annual energy generation of the ItaipĂș Dam in Brazil and Paraguay was 98.6 TWh in 2013 and 87.8 in 2014.
 Except for a ship lift, the dam project was completed and fully functional as of July 4, 2012, when the last of the main water turbines in the underground plant began production. Each main water turbine has a capacity of 700 MW. The dam body was completed in 2006. Coupling the dam's 32 main turbines with two smaller generators (50 MW each) to power the plant itself, the total electric generating capacity of the dam is 22,500 MW.

As well as producing electricity, the dam is intended to increase the Yangtze River's shipping capacity and reduce the potential for floods downstream by providing flood storage space. The Chinese government regards the project as a historic engineering, social and economic success, with the design of state-of-the-art large turbines, and a move toward limiting greenhouse gas emissions. However, the dam flooded archaeological and cultural sites and displaced some 1.3 million people, and is causing significant ecological changes, including an increased risk of landslides. The dam has been a controversial topic both domestically and abroad.

In 2011, China admitted the dam had created "problems." Environmentalists were more explicit, criticizing the floating layers of algae and garbage that were now common in the landlocked reservoir and the frequent landslides on the banks.

The Chinese government has a history of launching massive efforts to improve upon nature, knocking down mountains to build new cities and rerouting rivers to generate power and supply water to its increasingly urban population. Perhaps the most grandiose -- and controversial -- effort was the construction of the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River.

The enormous project includes a dam for flood control, a giant lock for carrying ships up and down river, and 26 hydroelectric power generators. When it was approved in 1992, then-Vice Premier Zou Jiahua told the National People's Congress that it would cost $8.35 billion to build. But the project's budget quickly spiraled out of control, in part because the government had to find homes for 1.3 million people whose towns and villages were flooded by the rerouting of the river. By the time that the dam was completed in 2006, the price tag had more than quadrupled to a mind-boggling $37 billion.

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Defining Project Management

We spend a lot of time talking about “Project Management.” But we should make sure you understand what we mean by the term or phrase “Project Management.” 

Project management is the discipline of carefully projecting or planning, organizing, motivating and controlling resources to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria. The actual project is generally a temporary endeavor designed to produce a unique product, service or result with a defined beginning and end (usually time-constrained, and often constrained by funding or deliverables) undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, typically to bring about beneficial change or added value. In general this can be reduced to a simple goal of functional, on time and on budget.

The temporary nature of projects stands in contrast with business as usual (or operations), which are repetitive, permanent, or semi-permanent functional activities to produce products or services. In practice, the management of these two systems is often quite different, and as such requires the development of distinct technical skills and management strategies.

The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals and objectives while honoring the preconceived constraints. The primary constraints are scope, time, quality and budget. The secondary, and more ambitious, challenge is to optimize the allocation of necessary inputs and integrate them to meet pre-defined objectives.

Until 1900, civil engineering projects were generally managed by creative architects, engineers, and master builders themselves, for example Vitruvius (first century BC), Christopher Wren (1632–1723), Thomas Telford (1757–1834) and Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806–1859). It was in the 1950s that organizations started to systematically apply project management techniques and tools to complex engineering and manufacturing projects.

In 1969, the Project Management Institute (PMI) was formed in the USA. PMI publishes A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), which describes project management practices that are common to "most projects, most of the time." PMI also offers multiple certifications.

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Famous Project Managers

Can you name the Project Manager that you admire the most? Can you name 3 project managers that you think are outstanding? How about 5 or more project managers you have read about most recently.

If I asked you to name 5 super stars in any other category… would you have any trouble doing that? If you think that this means that being a project manager is a job that is best described as un-sung you would be right.

It’s easy to think that “project management” is a brand new job description. Naming convention aside, creative and business professionals have been hammering out great work for a very long time. Some with a better knack at juggling products and plans. Here is a list of four project managers and the mark they left behind.

Imhotep was Chancellor of the King of Egypt, First in line after the King of Upper Egypt, Administrator of the Great Palace, Builder, Chief Carpenter, Chief Sculptor, and Maker of Vases in Chief, Chief Justice and Vizier, Greatest of the five of the House of Thoth. 
Key Project: Great Pyramid of Giza

Theodore Judah 
In 1854 Judah found himself invited to a New York meeting. Returning home, he informed his wife, "Anna, I am going to California to be the pioneering railroad engineer of the Pacific coast." Key Project: Central Pacific Railroad

George E. Mueller, PhD
Associate Administrator at NASA 
Key Project: Land a Man on the Moon

Steve Jobs
He insisted that every project at Apple had a DRI, or a directly responsible individual. Following his death, it was reported that Apple had a plan with 4 years worth of Job's projects to complete. 
Key Project: Apple itself or should I say changing our lives.

So now you do know some very famous project managers. Surprised at our list?

Historically, these folks are not always called Project Managers. Certifications, degrees, licenses: All useful and even very necessary. But do you want to know what's even cooler than all that? Their legacy and their outcomes.

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Monday, September 21, 2015

Refining Your Referral Relationships Introduction September 30th

Are your tired of the stress and frustration that keeps you from being as effective as you’d like?  Would you like to do more of the work you love and less stuff that distracts you and demands your attention?  Join Greg Zehring and learn how to increase your sphere of influence and get a clear view on building the referral relationships that can ensure your success and create exponential sales for everyone! 
In his action packed session you’ll learn: 

Why Referral Marketing is so important – since you interact with others – make that time work for you!

Secret formula for getting referrals – it’s so simple, you won’t believe it!

One thing you need for referral marketing – without it, you won’t get very far.

Five steps to design your own winning referral marketing work style.

“We design our own work style and workplace as effective, fulfilling and profitable for those who come in contact with us!   Business drives the economy, and we’re the ones conducting the business for clients.  We must learn how to work smarter, not harder and play more.”

About the Presenter - Greg Zehring

Greg Zehring is President of Wrap IT Up Consulting, a referral marketing company. He had previously spent 43 plus years in manufacturing and sales.  

During the past 18 years he has assisted over 850 clients by matching their dial tone, Internet and long distance services to their business model.  He reduced cost and increased efficiencies adding huge ROI value to his client’s bottom line. Multisite and multistate clients are his specialty, but no deal is too small.

Greg had 28 years of manufacturing management experience in Indiana before changing careers. His experience includes product management, marketing, planning, forecasting production and business cost analysis. He holds a Certificate of Management from Indiana University and an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration. Greg has been married 41 years and has 3 grown daughters and 7 grandchildren.

Wednesday September 30, 2015 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM MST

ASU SkySong 
1475 North Scottsdale Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85257  

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Friday, September 18, 2015

PMP PMI Certification At Leap University Can Make A Big Difference

Flexibility: PMI certifications are not based on one specific methodology, so they’re flexible and adaptable.

Always Relevant: PMI continually conducts in-depth studies to ensure that our credentials actually reflect the current skills, knowledge and best practices you need to succeed.
Here are some benefits of PMP certification:

Globally recognized and respected certification: The PMP certification is globally recognized and respected certification provided by PMI, the leading association of Project Management Professionals. With 12% increase in number of PMP®/CAPM® certification every year, they have been made the de-facto industry standard for Project Managers.
The PMP certification recognizes your expertise in Project Management: The PMP certification tells your current and potential employers that you have a solid foundation of project management knowledge, which could be readily applied at the workplace.

You will be a member of one of the most prestigious professional groups: By attaining the PMP certification, your name will be included in the largest and most prestigious group of certified Project Management Professionals.

Better salary: It has been observed that Project Managers, who have the PMP certification, draw more salary than their counterparts, who do not have the aforementioned certification.

Better job opportunities: With the requirements for qualified Project Managers expected to increase exponentially in the future, the job market for PMP Certified managers will get better.

Globally recognized by leading companies: The PMP certification is endorsed by leading companies. In fact, they encourage their Project Managers to have the PMP certification.

We Offer Both Classroom and Online Solutions for your needs.

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to for more info.

Leap University
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Problems Businesses Are Solving With Project Managers

 A project manager is someone who takes the business goal (“I want - fill in this blank by something that your company needs”) and is responsible for ensuring it happens. If the “the boss” were to do this, assuming they had the skillset to do so, then they would be taking away time from doing their job of being the boss, hence they get a project manager to do it for them.

Some examples are technology deployment projects. Rolling out new telephony, workstations, and useful applications. Efficiency projects like new ways to speed production. 

Product projects like bringing a new product to market. Customer satisfaction projects to help retain your customer base. Also human resource related projects. For example, surveys or absorption of a workforce via a merger.

The range of potential project management activities you could be involved with are vast. You could work in design – producing drawings and working with manufacturers, suppliers and subcontractors right through to manufacture, installation and decommissioning. Or you could work on analysis and problem solving for existing equipment or systems. Expect plenty of onsite work, implementing designs, finding solutions to installation issues, liaising with designers and office based engineers and coordinating staff or contractors. And project management – liaising with customers and suppliers, planning for successful project implementation and ensuring projects run to budget and program.

A company where people really want to work has one of the most powerful competitive advantages in their market. Having the right project management can lead the companies’ overall corporate style.

Project managers should work with business leaders to spot real problems to tackle, by identifying the data-driven business decisions that could provide the biggest impact or the quickest payback. That could include focusing on a day-to-day operational matter, or a big strategic decision such as whether to enter a new geography. In this case, a business will need to build a team that includes the business skills to choose the right priorities, the IT skills to access the data and identify the required infrastructure, and also the data science and quantitative skills to take the right analytic approach to the data.

How does the boss know the project manager is capable of doing their job? They look for the Project Management Professional Certification.

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Disney Contemporary Resort Project Management

Disney's Contemporary Resort, originally to be named Tempo Bay Hotel and previously the Contemporary Resort Hotel, is a resort located at the Walt Disney World Resort in Bay Lake, Florida, opened on October 1, 1971. It is one of two original properties located at the complex alongside Disney's Polynesian Village Resort, and is currently listed as a deluxe-priced resort. It is adjacent to the Magic Kingdom theme park, and is identified by its A-frame main building.

So why are we talking about a nearly 45 year old hotel as a noted project?
The Contemporary Tower, the most prominent of the resort's four stand-alone buildings, was built as an A-frame with outer walls which slope inwards around an inner atrium. This design was a collaboration by Disney, the United States Steel Corporation, and Los Angeles architect Welton Becket. To construct the building, they not only thought outside the box they threw the box away. Steel frames were erected on-site and modular pre-constructed rooms, designed by California architect Donald Wexler, were lifted into place by crane. Most of Disney's Polynesian Village Resort and the Court of Flags Resort were built the same way, except rooms were stacked instead of slid into place.

The Contemporary Tower houses most of the resort's key facilities, including resort registration and the guest service concierge. The main hall, named the Grand Canyon Concourse, is located in the main tower and houses restaurants and shops. 383 guest rooms line the outer walls of the Contemporary Tower. The Walt Disney World Monorail System runs through the inside of this building and a monorail station is located here for resort guests. Adorning the concourse walls is a multi-story mosaic designed by Mary Blair. One three-story wing flanks the south side of the tower and houses an additional 250 rooms. A convention center was added to the resort and opened on November 11, 1991, with more than 90,000 square feet of convention space. In October 2007, the resort received designation in the Florida Green Lodging Program.

Tower rooms are located in the original A-frame building, through which the monorail runs. The south garden rooms are detached from the A-frame as a separate wing. Some sections of the tower have views of the Magic Kingdom, others of Bay Lake. As one of the original resorts on property, the Contemporary Resort has some of the largest guest rooms in Walt Disney World, matched only by Disney's Polynesian Village Resort, which also opened in 1971. Disney announced that the entire fourteenth floor was to be converted to a health-and-wellness theme, with a private yoga studio, custom-designed menus, and concierge services, to attract health-conscious travelers. Guest rooms were to be outfitted with bamboo floors, low-allergen pillows and mattresses, exercise equipment, and massage tables. These plans were eventually scrapped and the renovation did not take place.

If you dream of building epic buildings and on an extreme schedule and under budget then being a certified project manager is in your blood, learn how to make your dream real.

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

What Does Project Management Mean To You?

If you are reading this, then you must know about or have an interest in Project Management. But when you hear or read about Project Management what comes to mind? Does an epic project comes to mind? Do you wonder about the hours of planning and preparation that must have gone into a project? Or do you think it is high time you get certified and make more money being a project leader?

So what does project management mean to you?  I would hope that the following three subjects come to mind.

Effective Leadership
Genuine Teamwork
Great Results

Effective Leadership

Whether you are new to managing projects or have many years under your belt, a project manager must know how to lead.  Over the years many companies issue out certifications on quality assurance, process improvement, project management, technology development, etc.  All have great models for specific purposes but not one spends the time to teach a solid foundation on leadership.  It’s because these institutions assume project managers already know how to lead.

Genuine Teamwork

Great leaders motivate people to want to get the job done; however, building a great team takes time.  

Like children, teams go through an evolutionary process of development.  Your leadership shapes how the team evolves.  To have a great team, team-members have to believe that you can lead them; otherwise, all hope is lost in having a successful project.  

Great Results

Project managers are as good as their last project.  Sadly, people have short-term memories and quickly forget about the successes one has throughout the year; instead, focus is given on projects that go wrong.

Whether you are a project manager in technologies, construction, or operations, it’s critical to quantify your contributions.  You would be surprised on how many project managers don’t know the return on investment for their project or the type of cost avoidance their project would render.

Overall, being a great project manager isn’t easy.  It takes a lot of relationship building, communication, leadership, teamwork, and, in the end, delivering results.  

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Monday, September 14, 2015

Learn To Be More Satisfied With Your Life

Are you satisfied with your life? Do you think life is fair to you? What change would need to occur to make you feel satisfied with life? Do words like rich and more money quickly come to mind?
If anything could be changed, what would you like to change?

Many of us have a tendency to let our egos and bank accounts make decisions for us. If we don’t go to that party, they won’t invite us next time. If we say no to that client, they won’t put us on retainer. If we don’t order a cocktail and appetizer, they’ll think we’re boring or broke.

Our emotional and physical well-being often falls to the wayside. Take those personal days, drink water and eat a salad, turn down things that feel wrong.

Improve your education. Learn new things. Do something that makes you more valuable to your company. Make yourself a better person. 

Learn to think before responding. Learn to buy time, fiddle with a pencil, chew on the temple bar of your glasses. Look like you are lost in thought and do it. Since we’re constantly returning texts and replying to emails within five minutes, we’ve gotten into the habit of responding to situations immediately. And it’s just fine when your friend is just emailing to say she’ll be ten minutes late.

The five rules of social media communication…

T … is it true?
H … is it helpful?
I ... is it inspirational?
N … is it necessary?
K … is it kind?

How about these three ideas for making yourself a more positive author to visit. Don’t post or tag photos of fans, customers, co-workers or employees without permission. Don’t tag people or pages that aren’t relevant to your post. And most of all how you don’t ask for Likes, Comments, or Shares. Your readers will reward quality information by sharing or responding to it. If you are being ignored it means you are doing something wrong.

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Friday, September 11, 2015

Attend Our Next PMP Certification Intro Class

The Project Management Professional (PMP) is the most widely recognized project management certification with over 600,000 certified individuals. In our FREE workshop you will learn the best practices to getting your PMP or CAPM certification.

Gain insights into:
1. Why you should get PMP or CAPM Certified
2. Overview of Project Management Body of Knowledge
3. What's involved in getting PMP Certified
4. Three effective strategies to get PMP certified
5. How can I improve my chances of getting certified on the first attempt?

Register Now! 

Wednesday September 16, 2015 from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM MST

Microsoft Store inside Chandler Fashion Mall 
3111 W Chandler Blvd
Chandler, AZ 85226  

About the Presenter
Donovan Hardenbrook

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to for more info.

Leap University
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Legends of Project Management

 If you think about famous projects do you know who was the project manager behind them?  Project management isn’t a good career for those looking for fame. They tend to be the unsung heroes that are in the trenches getting the job done, on time and if possible under budget. What they build however lives in our collective memory for years.

One very famous project is that of the Boulder Canyon or Hoover Dam. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression and was dedicated on September 30, 1935, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. 
On January 10, 1931, the Bureau made the bid documents available to interested parties, at five dollars a copy. The government was to provide the materials; but the contractor was to prepare the site and build the dam. The dam was described in minute detail, covering 100 pages of text and 76 drawings. A $2 million bid bond was to accompany each bid; the winner would have to post a $5 million performance bond. The contractor had seven years to build the dam, or penalties would ensue.

Hoover Dam was an audacious and courageous undertaking. Built during the Great Depression, the dam would tame the flood-prone Colorado River southeast of Las Vegas, protecting cities and farms, generating cheap electricity to supply power to homes and industry, and providing work for thousands who desperately needed jobs.

A consortium called Six Companies Inc., which included Bechtel, won the right to build the concrete arch dam, at a cost of nearly $49 million, a staggering amount in the early 1930s (roughly equivalent to $860 million today). Skeptics thought it couldn’t be done. Others were convinced that the contractors would go bust.

By any measure, Hoover Dam is stupendous. It looms 726 feet above Black Canyon on the Arizona-Nevada state line. It’s 660 feet wide at the base and 1,244 feet across at the top. It weighs 6.6 million tons. Behind the dam, Lake Mead is the country’s largest reservoir, capable of holding more than 9 trillion gallons of water from the Colorado River. Water from the lake drives turbines inside the dam that generate electricity for Arizona, Nevada, and Southern California.

The contractors finished their work two years ahead of schedule and millions of dollars under budget. Today, the Hoover Dam is the second highest dam in the country and the 18th highest in the world. It generates enough energy each year to serve over a million people.

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Education Moves You Forward

Education should always move you toward your goals. Has your education done that for you? 

Are you happy in and with your career? Do you know why happiness moves your career forward? Your educational goal should be to provide suggestions that help achieve career happiness. During the educational process, participants should be able to; Discuss why happiness in their work is important. Then describe at least three strategies for achieving happiness at work. Last but not least learn to identify how to assess the fit of their work environment with their career needs.

Perhaps you have seen this quote about growing or moving forward in your life… We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. ~ Walt Disney

If you could apply that thinking to your career would it change how you feel about your life?

When you are working on a new revolutionary project, improving your service or creating a new product, you need a space for all your ideas and tools to make the ideal products and services visible. The right education is the perfect thing for those who deal with service, product design and project management. Collect the ideas, add your notes, prototype, discuss and share with your team, customers and audience. The right education is always your key element.

All education principles should be founded on two basic beliefs. First, no one should be marginalized: all learners have the capacity to improve the quality of their learning. Every learner can learn to learn better, regardless of his or her current level of achievement; one's potential is not limited by current ability. Second, educators have a responsibility to “raise the bar” in their profession: learning is enhanced for all learners when educators help build learning skills, create and improve quality learning environments, design solid coherent curricula, and serve as effective facilitators of learning.

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to for more info.

Leap University
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Different Kinds Of Project Management

Project management is not for people who like to wing-it. Several sophisticated methods for managing projects have been developed through decades of thought and practice by professional project managers. You can benefit from this collected wisdom by studying the various methods to find the style that suits your business and your project. Once you develop your project management skills, you can adapt to any task and effectively manage the team working on a project.

Six Sigma

The Six Sigma method works well for projects that you can precisely measure. The idea is to look for any deviations from absolute perfection and address the causes of those deviations. To do this, you define, measure, analyze, improve and control the project throughout its development and implementation so you achieve exactly the results you want with little variation. For example, a project to build a software system that detects nonbusiness uses of employee computers could benefit from the Six Sigma approach. Absolute perfection would be detecting each personal use of business computers. You would test and refine the system so there are no more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. 

Agile Approach

The agile approach does away with the idea of developing a project in sequential pieces. Instead, the project team presents a version of the project that is complete enough to potentially implement. Team members attend "scrum" meetings where they evaluate the latest version of the project and make suggestions for improvement. The project developers then create a second version with the suggested changes and present it. This process can continue through four or more versions until the scrum process has addressed all the requirements. In short, the agile method presents full project versions that can be tweaked.

Waterfall Method

The waterfall method is a linear approach. First the project manager determines the requirements for the project, and then a project developer designs the project, project members build the project by putting all the pieces in order and the manager then integrates the project into the business for testing and debugging. Once the project is ready, management implements the project and a manager is assigned to maintain it.

Kanban Technique

With kanban, project managers use a white board with stickie notes placed in one of three columns: "in queue," "in progress" and "recently completed." The notes contain descriptions of project tasks. The team can easily see what tasks are coming up, which ones are being worked on and which are finished. If someone brings in a new task, the project manager can see where it belongs on the kanban board and how it affects the other tasks. For example, a new task with great urgency might cause a task that is already in progress to be put on hold by being moved back to the "in queue" column.

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to for more info.

Leap University
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Monday, September 7, 2015

Observe Labor Day

Labor Day Holiday, the 1st Monday in September, is a creation from the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

Labor Day Legislation History

Through the years the nation gave increasing emphasis to Labor Day. The first governmental recognition came through municipal ordinances passed during 1885 and 1886. From these, a movement developed to secure state legislation. The first state bill was introduced into the New York legislature, but the first to become law was passed by Oregon on February 21, 1887. During the year four more states — Colorado, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York — created the Labor Day holiday by legislative enactment. By the end of the decade Connecticut, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania had followed suit. By 1894, 23 other states had adopted the holiday in honor of workers, and on June 28 of that year, Congress passed an act making the first Monday in September of each year a legal holiday in the District of Columbia and the territories.

Our PMP Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled about 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to for more info.

Leap University
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Friday, September 4, 2015

PMP PMI Certification Exam Is Changing Soon

Did you know that Project Management Professional Certification is about to be tested under a new set of rules and guidelines. It could mean that all of your prep results are about to go away. There is still time if you act now.
A recently completed Role Delineation Study (RDS) provided an updated description of the project management professional role. Research included a large-scale survey of global Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification holders to validate updates to domains, tasks, knowledge, and skills. The RDS captures perspectives of project management practitioners from all industries, work settings, and regions. It serves as the foundation for the PMP exam and ensures its validity and relevance.

Some of What Changes in Version 4.0

The current exam (aligned to the existing exam content outline) will remain active until November 1, 2015. After November 1, only the new version of the PMP exam will be administered. All language aides will follow the same schedule:

Exams utilizing language aides will reflect the current exam through November 1, 2015.
After November 1, exams utilizing language aides will reflect the new exam content.

Changes Include:

    No change to the 5 domains of practice.
    Addition of 8 new tasks.

Some of What You May Want To Learn About:

    Why the PMP exam is changing
    What’s been updated — and why
    How these changes impact the PMP exam content
    The difference between an RDS update and a PMBOK® Guide update

If you test under the current guidelines you certification will be accepted and current. As long as you complete your studies and test before the November 1st deadline.

For those of you looking to take the PMP exam this year, consider taking the exam before the new changes go into effect in November.  

Our PMP Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled about 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to for more info.

Leap University
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284