Wednesday, November 18, 2015

How Digital Marketing Helps Your Company

With the evolution of modern mobile technologies, small and large businesses are doing everything they can to keep up, which can be said true for the rest of human society. Brick-and-mortar businesses are either changing their business models to an online one, or beefing up existing marketing efforts with digital marketing strategies – in an endeavor to bring a growing social media crown to their businesses.
It is the process of attracting laser targeted audiences online that will spell the difference between a successfully thriving business – and very mediocre one. Even if you receive tons of daily traffic to your website, they would not amount to anything unless they convert to leads or sales. In the digital arena where business and commerce are heading to, Digital Marketing tools and techniques provide business owners the best chances for competition, survival and even business growth.

Digital Marketing Can Be Scaled

“Scaling” is a new buzzword in the web business but gets little to no love when it comes to small businesses. What is meant by scaling is the ability to automate certain elements of the marketing process that allow it to run 100% on its own.

Say you run a local restaurant. Someone comes to your website as they are researching other cafes in the area to eat at. On your website they see a call to action that reads, “Get our best sauce recipe – Download our free ebook now by entering your email below!” You could even offer a coupon. The visitor is intrigued since he/she is looking great meal anyway and the offer is free. They download the ebook by giving away their email address.

Digital Marketing Most Cost Effective

Time and time again studies have shown that digital marketing is more cost effective than traditional marketing channels. When was the last time you opened up junk mail and responded to their offer? I’m going to guess never. When was the last time you searched for a local business or restaurant in your town and later purchased something from one of those businesses? If you’re like me, almost every day!

The internet, and search engines in particular, allow customers to make better informed buying decisions than traditional marketing does. Over years of companies “pushing” advertisements on the public, we have programmed our minds to literally block them out. Whereas digital marketing fit more natural into our behaviors – SEO helps your website be more visible when individuals are looking for your site, social media helps build relationships with customers and potential customers, email marketing qualifies leads, etc.

With Leap University you will have the opportunity to combine the tools and techniques obtained through all the courses in this specialization though our four levels which are; Associate, Professional, Specialist and Expert levels and apply them in your real business environment. Your new certification can give you a leg up on your competition either in a freelance or on as a gem on your resume.

Presented By:
Leap University
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

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