Thursday, November 19, 2015

Help Arizona Family and Pet Rescue

This very timely Holiday story is brought to you courtesy of Leap University.

It is about that time of year again. We gather with friends and family, thankful for all the blessings and good fortune in our lives, we gather to feast and watch parades and football games. Some of us even take the time out of our busy holiday schedules to remember those less fortunate and drop non-perishable food items off at our local food kitchens. Unfortunately being hungry and homeless tends to be more of an annual predicament, not just a seasonal one.

For many who see the homeless, labels spring to mind, drug users, alcoholics, and mentally ill. Rarely do you stop to think Veteran or lost job. In a society where many families have to survive paycheck to paycheck, the loss of a job or a sudden illness can mean the loss of their home and life on the streets. And do we ever stop to consider, what happens to the fur kids when the humans lose their homes. The four legged family members are a staple of American life, but shelters don't take animals in along with their families. Many people choose to remain on the streets or live in their cars to keep all of their family intact, including the furry ones. Anyone who has lost an animal or had to surrender one due to unforeseeable circumstances knows the depression and pain that comes with it. The loss of a pet can ultimately be detrimental to the recovery of a family. That is where Kyle Lugenbeal comes in.

With shelters closing and laws forbidding people to feed the homeless, Kyle Lugenbeal is all too familiar with the reality that faces many of our people stranded on the streets. In an answer, he has started a resource known as AZ family and Pet Rescue. The resource not only attempts to find shelter for families and individuals who need assistance, but also seeks to partner theses families with foster families for their dogs and cats. These volunteer foster families allow those struggling to concentrate on getting their feet under them and back into a stable situation.

AZ Family and Pet Rescue is only a few months old, but despite the infancy of this resource it is already being bombarded with requests from those who need assistance.

Music Venues

In September a music venue was organized to assist AZ Family and Pet Rescue. 100% of the donations went to homeless families and their pets.  Specifically, two families were placed in hotels as well as 3 pets were able to be fostered, due to the generosity of the people who attended the concert. Like AZ Family and Pet Rescue on Facebook to keep up to date with any future music venues.

Help Needed

Mr. Lugenbeal cannot do this on his own. It is only through continued community support that these families and their pets can attain a stable and safe living environment. Unfortunately due to current laws prohibiting the feeding of homeless individuals, AZ Family and Pet rescue cannot accept human food donations. However, foster families are sorely needed. If your household is able to provide a temporary, safe and loving environment for a pet in need, please contact AZ Family and Pet Rescue via their Facebook page. Money donations are always accepted, but items such as socks, bottled water and pet food can go a long way in helping those who are without shelter. 

As Mr. Lugenbeal says "These families need a hand up, not a hand out."

Presented By:
Leap University
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

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