Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Do You Have Plans For Continuing Professional Education?

Continuing education is a requirement for many professional fields with medical coming up most frequently. Consider that tax accounts must study changes to regulations on a continuing basis. In fact many fields require that members update their education on a planned or frequent schedule.

To remain valuable to your current or future employer nearly all employees need to update or expand their knowledge base on a regular basis.

In general there are two reasons that many folks use to put off their continuing education, lack of time and lack of money.

Today with flexible online educational opportunities the time requirement is no longer the challenge it once may have been. Just a short time per day can be used to complete the online material. During a commute or even during lunch and breaks a motivated employee can grow their education.

When it comes to funding their education a quick check of ideas on the Internet shows that the path to dollars and cents can be pre-planned, pre-funded, scholarship, loans and even many current employers will provide all or part of the funding for continuing education.

Many times the education leads to opportunities with higher base salaries and bonuses that soon offset the cost of any education needed to make the upward move(s).

This probably goes without saying, but if you are in need of funds and they are unavailable from your employer, the next step should be to reach out to the program, school, or training center to see what scholarship funds may be available. It would amaze people to know how often funds go unclaimed or different enrollment incentives ideas are overlooked.

Another extraordinary resource is the sometimes difficult to navigate world of foundation grants. Grants are sums of money given by governments, local authorities, or foundations to enhance educational studies. Grants differ from loans as grants are not required to be paid back. Foundation grants are the most accessible grants to use when searching for continuing education funds. Websites like Foundation Finder allow you to search through thousands of foundations that have grant funds. It does take some time, but with some patience you should be able to find a foundation with goals in line with the continuing education that you seek.

Don’t look for excuses, but instead look for resources and opportunities that will help you achieve your goals using continuing education.

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If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to www.leapuniversity.biz for more info.

Leap University
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

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