Tuesday, December 29, 2015

As 2015 Winds To A Close, Will You Change 2016?

That is a very fair question... What will you change in your life during 2016 to make a big improvement? Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to make drastic changes in order to notice an improvement in the quality of your life. At the same time, you don’t need to wait a long time in order to see the measurable results that come from taking positive action. All you have to do is take small steps, and make them consistently, for the next few weeks or months.
 Track how you spend your time for 5 days. Use the information that you gather in order to create a time budget: the percentage of your time that you want to devote to each activity that you engage in on a regular basis.

Identify five ways in which you regularly waste time, and limit the time that you’re going to spend on these activities each day, for the next 90 days.

Spend no more than half-an-hour each day on social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter.
Spend no more than twenty minutes a day playing video games.

Choose a book that requires effort and concentration and read a little of it every day, so that you read it from cover to cover in 90 days.

Make it a point to learn at least one new thing each day: the name of a flower that grows in your garden, the capital of a far-off country, or the name of a piece of classical music you hear playing in your favorite clothing boutique as you shop. If it’s time for bed and you can’t identify anything you’ve learned that day, take out your dictionary and learn a new word.

Set your alarm a minute earlier every day for the next 90 days. Then make sure that you get out of bed as soon as your alarm rings, open the windows to let in some sunlight, and do some light stretching. In 90 days you’ll be waking up an hour and forty minutes earlier than you’re waking up now.

For the next 90 days make it a point to feed your mind with the thoughts, words, and images that are most consistent with who you want to be, what you want to have, and what you want to achieve.

For the next 90 days, actively look for something positive, in the people in your life, every day, and write them down. Share compliments with the people in your life.

With Leap University you will have the opportunity to combine the tools and techniques obtained through all the courses in different specializations. Use certifications to advance your career. Your new education can give you a leg up on your competition either in a freelance or on as a gem on your resume. www.leapuniversity.biz

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Monday, December 28, 2015

Learn To Become A Certified Associate in Project Management

About Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)
Regardless of your career stage, the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® is an asset that will distinguish you in the job market and enhance your credibility and effectiveness working on — or with — project teams.

Organizations with standardized practices attain better results, as shown in our 2015 Pulse of the Profession® report. Because the CAPM recognizes your knowledge of the profession’s preeminent global standard, you’ll stand out to employers and be poised to move ahead.

Project management is a rapidly growing profession. Through 2020, 1.57 million new jobs will be created each year and qualified practitioners are in demand. With the CAPM®, you’ll be on the fast track to opportunity.

Who Should Apply?

If you’d like to manage larger projects and gain more responsibility or add project management skills into your current role, then the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® is right for you.
Gain and Maintain Your CAPM

The certification exam has 150 multiple choice questions, and you have three hours to complete it. To maintain your CAPM, you must retake the exam every five years.


Secondary degree (high school diploma, associate’s degree or the global equivalent)
1,500 hours of project experience 
23 hours of project management education completed by the time you sit for the exam

The Leap University PMP Online Prep Module has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification which has enabled more than 200,000 students to pass the PMP exam with a success rate of 98.7%. This online preparatory courses is exhaustive and has been designed to cover:

These Include:

High Quality Videos explaining PMBOK concepts from all chapters 
Simulated Test        
4 full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam

PMI Contact Hours
40 PMI contact hours for Project Management Examination eligibility. One of the eligibility criteria to take the CAPM exam is the 23 Contact Hours of Project Management Education by a Registered Education Provider or R.E.P.        

Online Study Material
Different formats of study materials like study guides, pod casts, terms and concepts
Chapter Test
Up to 100 questions per chapter to check the student’s proficiency in each chapter
Mobile Applications
Mobile applications to provide student access to preparatory material on the go

With Leap University you will have the opportunity to combine the tools and techniques obtained through all the courses in different specializations. Use certifications to advance your career. Your new education can give you a leg up on your competition either in a freelance or on as a gem on your resume. www.leapuniversity.biz

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas To Your Family

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.

Norman Vincent Peale

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to www.leapuniversity.biz for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284


Thursday, December 24, 2015

We Can Help Earn Your Six Sigma Belts

Several sophisticated methods for managing projects have been developed through decades of thought and practice by professional project managers. You can benefit from this collected wisdom by studying the various methods to find the style that suits your business and your project. Once you develop your project management skills, you can adapt to any task and effectively manage the team working on a project.

Six Sigma

The Six Sigma method works well for projects that you can precisely measure. The idea is to look for any deviations from absolute perfection and address the causes of those deviations. To do this, you define, measure, analyze, improve and control the project throughout its development and implementation so you achieve exactly the results you want with little variation. For example, a project to build a software system that detects nonbusiness uses of employee computers could benefit from the Six Sigma approach. Absolute perfection would be detecting each personal use of business computers. You would test and refine the system so there are no more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities.

With Leap University you will have the opportunity to combine the tools and techniques obtained through all the courses in different specializations. Use Six Sigma Green and Black Belts to advance your career. Your new education can give you a leg up on your competition either in a freelance or on as a gem on your resume. www.leapuniversity.biz

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Just What Is Six Sigma?

Do you know what it means when we are talking about Six Sigma? Six Sigma at many businesses means a measure of quality that strives for near perfection. Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects (driving toward six standard nonconformities between the mean and the nearest specification limit) in all process – from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service.

The statistical representation of Six Sigma describes quantitatively how a process is performing. To achieve Six Sigma, a process must not produce just over 3 defects per million opportunities. A Six Sigma defect is defined as anything outside of customer expectations. A Six Sigma opportunity is then the total quantity of chances for a defect. Process sigma can easily be calculated using the Six Sigma calculator.

The fundamental objective of the Six Sigma methodology is the implementation of a measurement-based strategy that focuses on process improvement and variation reduction through the application of Six Sigma improvement projects. 

This is accomplished through the use of two Six Sigma sub-methodologies: DMAIC and DMADV. The Six Sigma DMAIC process (define, measure, analyze, improve, control) is an improvement system for existing processes falling below specification and looking for incremental improvements. 

The Six Sigma DMADV process (define, measure, analyze, design, verify) is an improvement system used to develop new processes or products at Six Sigma quality levels. It can also be employed if a current process requires more than just incremental improvement. Both Six Sigma processes are executed by Six Sigma Green Belts and Six Sigma Black Belts, and are overseen by Six Sigma Master Belt grades.

According to Six Sigma groups, Black Belts save companies approximately $230,000 per project and can complete four to six projects per year. (Given that the average Black Belt salary is $80,000 in the United States, that is a fantastic return on investment.) General Electric, one of the most successful companies implementing Six Sigma, has estimated benefits on the order of $10 billion during the first five years of implementation. GE first began Six Sigma in 1995 after Motorola and Allied Signal blazed the Six Sigma trail. Since then, thousands of companies around the world have discovered the far reaching benefits of Six Sigma.

Many structures exist for implementing the Six Sigma method. Six Sigma Consultants all over the world have developed proprietary methodologies for implementing Six Sigma quality, based on the similar change management philosophies and applications of tools.

With Leap University you will have the opportunity to combine the tools and techniques obtained through all the courses in different specializations. Use certifications to advance your career. Your new education can give you a leg up on your competition either in a freelance or on as a gem on your resume. www.leapuniversity.biz

Presented By:
Leap University
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Are You Familiar With Six Sigma Green Belt?

Are you familiar with Six Sigma Green Belt? Well if not we have a great introduction for you. Six Sigma Green Belt training will quickly put you into a very active role in the Six Sigma team.  Green Belts are those certified within the Six Sigma teams that are not required to assume leadership positions.

The overview of Leap University Six Sigma Green Belt course focuses on providing students with an understanding of the various Six Sigma tools and techniques useful to improve the production process and minimize defects in the end product with a greater focus on the practical implementation of these tool and techniques in the organization.

Are you asking yourself. "Is it difficult to obtain a Green Belt certification in Six Sigma?" Are you wondering where does one find classes on the Six Sigma Methodology? If these questions are on your mind, you probably want to also know, how hard is Green Belt certification?

Certification Exam Format

Multiple Choice
90 questions per exam
One mark awarded for every right answer
No negative marks for wrong answers
120 minutes duration
Proctored online exam

Audience Profile

This course is highly recommended for employees and organizations requiring a standardized approach to problem solving for the purpose of continuous improvement in Quality Management.

When you apply for the Six Sigma Green Belt certification, you get access to a free online course.  If you are looking for classroom training before certification, please refer to Training section to find a Registered Education Provider in your area like Leap University.

Those familiar with the Six Sigma Methodology know that through phases like DMAIC, or define, measure, analyze, improve, and control, the methodology ensures 3.4 defects per million opportunities. That means more streamlined projects that produce quality outcomes.

Whether you want to improve your resume or want to learn the methodology to expand your career choices, learning it on your own may not be enough. Green Belt certifications are recognized all over the globe and completing a training program, whether online or onsite, is essential if the Six Sigma practice is your ultimate goal. What color belt are you trying foir?

With Leap University you will have the opportunity to combine the tools and techniques obtained through all the courses in different specializations. Use certifications to advance your career. Your new education can give you a leg up on your competition either in a freelance or on as a gem on your resume.

Presented By:
Leap University
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Monday, December 21, 2015

Is Your Christmas Tree Up and On Display?

Just what are Christmas trees? They are decorated trees, usually an evergreen conifer such as spruce, pine or fir, traditionally associated with the celebration of Christmas. An artificial Christmas tree is a piece made to resemble such a tree, usually made from PVC plastic.

In the past trees were traditionally decorated with edibles such as apples, oranges, nuts or dates. In the 18th century, it began to be illuminated by candles, which with electrification could also be replaced by Christmas lights. Today, there are a wide variety of traditional ornaments, such as garland, tinsel, and candy canes. An angel or star may be placed at the top of the tree, to represent the host of angels or the Star of Bethlehem from the Nativity.

The custom of the Christmas tree developed in early modern Germany with predecessors that can be traced to the 16th and possibly the 15th century. It acquired popularity beyond Germany during the second half of the 19th century. The Christmas tree has also been known as the "Yule-tree", especially in discussions of its folkloristic origins.

While it is clear that the modern Christmas tree originates in Renaissance and early modern Germany, there are a number of speculative theories as to its ultimate origin. Its 16th-century origins are sometimes associated with Martin Luther.

It is frequently traced to the symbolism of evergreen trees in pre-Christian winter rites, especially with the story of the Donar Oak and Saint Boniface.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, "The use of evergreen trees, wreaths, and garlands to symbolize eternal life was a custom of the ancient Egyptians, Chinese, and Hebrews. Tree worship was common among the pagan Europeans and survived their conversion to Christianity in the Scandinavian customs of decorating the house and barn with evergreens at the New Year to scare away the devil and of setting up a tree for the birds during Christmastime."

As we look forward to holiday celebrations in December may I ask if better job security and a bigger paycheck would have made this year feel a bit better?

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to www.leapuniversity.biz for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Friday, December 18, 2015

Do You Know When You Will Need PMP Certification?

I think it may be fair to say that if you know what PMP stands for, Project Management Professional Certification, then you are already certified or you just may need to be certified to further your career.

Are you one of those unfortunate enough to have had your career stalled, or even ended because you lack the PMP certification? Is now the time to begin to pick and choose where and how to gain your PMP Certification?

Do you need to convert your project management capability into a true competitive advantage that will allow you to further your career goals? As you probably already know, Project Management Professional Certification is a job requirement with many firms.

If you need some background information that will help you understand PMP let’s start with this simple description:

Project Management Professional (PMP) is an internationally recognized professional designation offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). There are currently 658,523 active PMP certified individuals and 274 chartered chapters across 204 countries and territories worldwide. The certification exam is based on the PMI Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). Other requirements include a bachelor's degree, at least 4,500 hours of experience leading and directing projects, and 35 hours of formal project management education. A candidate who passes the exam and meets the other professional requirements is awarded the PMP certification.

How does getting your PMP Certification rank with those that follow IT careers?  Government, commercial and other organizations employ PMP certified project managers in an attempt to improve the success rate of projects in all areas of knowledge, by applying a standardized and evolving set of project management principles as contained in PMI's PMBOK Guide.

In December 2005, the PMP credential was tied for fourth place in CertCities.com’s 10 Hottest Certifications for 2006, and in December 2008, it was number 7 of ZDNet’s 10 best IT certifications. More recently, in 2012 and 2013, the PMP credential has been ranked as a top certification by CIO and Global Knowledge.

For 2014, the PMP certification was rated #1 most valuable by IT Career Finder in their "Top 10 Highest Paying IT Certifications for 2014" Outside of IT, the PMP ranked #5 with Global Knowledge "15 Top-Paying Certifications for 2014", and #8 with Careerealism "Top 10 Professional Certifications For A Bright Future"

Our PMP Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled about 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to www.leapuniversity.biz for more info.

Leap University
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Earn The PMP Certification Demanded By Employers

PMI credentials distinguish you in the job market and can help you move ahead. Perhaps, in some cases, they will allow you to stay where you are.

Several certifications including the PMP® validate a range of education and experience levels in project management. In an increasingly projectized world, PMI professional certification ensures that you’re ready to meet the demands of projects and employers across the globe.

Developed by practitioners for practitioners, our certifications are based on rigorous standards and ongoing research to meet the real-world needs of organizations. With a PMI certification behind your name, you can work in virtually any industry, anywhere in the world, and with any project management methodology.

The Project Management Professional (PMP)® is the most important industry-recognized certification for project managers. You can find PMPs leading projects in nearly every country and, unlike other certifications that focus on a particular geography or domain, the PMP® is truly global. As a PMP, you can work in virtually any industry, with any methodology and in any location.

The PMP also increases your earning potential. PMP certification holders earn 17 percent more than their non-certified peers according to the Project Management Salary Survey—Eighth Edition.

Employers benefit as well. When more than one-third of their project managers are PMP-certified, organizations complete more of their projects on time, on budget and meeting original goals. (Pulse of the Profession® study, PMI, 2015.)

The PMP signifies that you speak and understand the global language of project management and connects you to a community of professionals, organizations and experts worldwide. Become a PMP and become a project hero.

Are you an experienced project manager responsible for all aspects of project delivery, leading and directing cross-functional teams, then the PMP is the right choice for you. Wherever you are in your career, we have a certification for you.

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to www.leapuniversity.biz for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Diploma or Certification Which Means More Money?

Before we answer that very basic question we need to say you should also factor in the time it takes to get to your goal and how much it will cost to reach that level of education. I think a doctor would be a great example. 
Medscape, a subsidiary of the medical information website WebMD, has released its 2015 Physician Compensation Report. The data in the report come from more than 19,500 doctors in 26 specialties who responded to Medscape's annual survey with information on their compensation for 2014. The average primary care doctor made $195,000. But those averages hide quite a bit of variability based on different factors. The average cost and the number of years to reach that title of M.D. is close to $200,000 up to a quarter of a million dollars. The education takes from 11 to 15 years depending on the field of study.

The average project manager earns just under $100,000 per year and most have a BS or BA degree which costs well under $40,000 dollars.  You can add your PMP PMI certification for under $3,000 and over a four-day period and raise your salary by over $15,000 per year. Which path and compensation sounds most appealing to you?

Certificates are the fastest-growing college credential, with a big wage payoff. But earnings mostly go to men, and the certificate remains largely misunderstood in "completion agenda." Certificates are earned through seat time in a classroom, the study notes, with more than half taking less than a year to complete. Industry-based certifications, which are often confused with certificates, are typically awarded based on tests. Over all, a certificate is the highest form of education held by about 1 in 10 American workers, according to the study, which collected and crunched data from several government sources. And certificate holders earn 20 percent more than workers who hold only a high school diploma.

Part of the attraction of certificate programs is that they generally don't take long to complete. However, conventional wisdom has often held that short-term programs -- lasting a year or less -- are of limited value in the work force. That is not the case, the study found. After removing health care certificates from the mix, the “relationship between earnings and program length largely disappears.”

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to www.leapuniversity.biz for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

ROI: Return On Your Investment In Your Educational Path

As you plan for the holidays do you have the time and the money to celebrate as you would like to? If you answer that question in a negative manner, may I ask what you are planning to do to change that for the next year?
 Are you considering do something that will enhance your education and upgrade your skill-set to a level where the employers will be bidding for your services? Have you considered what new educational path will give you a real advantage in the shortest time and for the least amount of money?

So just what is your ROI?

You must have the right skills and at the right time to land that right high paying job.  More than a job you need to further your career. I must add that it really helps if you enjoy the field. Something that gives you satisfaction for a project that you can help grow from beginning to end.

It is a simple fact… People with more education earn more money. The field you choose will affect the bottom line dollar amount. And, yes, certain fields do so much better than others. And you need to have a career that you will enjoy. The last thing you want is a soul killing, no fulfillment dead end job no matter how much it pays.

In an increasingly projectized world, PMI professional certification ensures that you’re ready to meet the demands of projects and employers across the globe.

Developed by practitioners for practitioners, our certifications are based on rigorous standards and ongoing research to meet the real-world needs of organizations. With a PMI certification behind your name, you can work in virtually any industry, anywhere in the world, and with any project management methodology.

Wherever you are in your career, we have the certification for you. One that can lead to a bigger paycheck and a more secure employment situation.

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to www.leapuniversity.biz for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Monday, December 14, 2015

What Industries Have The Most Free Time and Great Pay?

Are you looking for a career path that offers flexibility and / or a fat paycheck? It turns out there really are some of jobs that offer both.

Some recent industry surveys point out that the IT industry pays well and typically grants the ability to work from home to its seasoned workers. Many of the tasks completed by these jobs can be done via technology (phone, computer, e-mail, web chats, etc.) and require a sharp focus and sometimes odd hours, all three of which sum up to a perfect job for telecommuting.

What could possibly give you more free time than working from home? No wasted commuting and setting in traffic. The choice of even dressing for home saves both time and money. Senior project managers, IT, bring in about $99,700 a year, on average. Twenty-six percent of these professionals (those with at least a bachelor’s and 5 to 8 years of experience) say they’re able to do their job from home.

Schedule flexibility is important to employees as they are comforted by the knowledge that they can easily change their schedule and time-off. This knowledge will incent workers to be productive as they know they have some level of control in their schedule. This is especially key for families who might need to take time off to align with school breaks or stay home with a sick child.

Rounding out the top group are management consultants and tax managers, who make $89,500 a year and $89,300 a year, respectively. Both of these jobs are considered highly flexible, because of the percentage of workers who said they can do their job from home.

Here in America leisure time has been inching up since 1965, when formal national time-use surveys began. American men toil for pay nearly 12 hours less per week, on average, than they did 40 years ago, a fall that includes all work-related activities, such as commuting and water-cooler breaks.

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to www.leapuniversity.biz for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Friday, December 11, 2015

Project Management Professional Certificate ... When Will You Need It?

I think it may be fair to say that if you know what PMP stands for, Project Management Professional Certification, then you are already certified or you just may need to be certified to further your career. 

Are you one of those unfortunate enough to have had your career stalled, or even ended because you lack the PMP certification? Is now the time to begin to pick and choose where and how to gain your PMP Certification?

Do you need to convert your project management capability into a true competitive advantage that will allow you to further your career goals? As you probably already know, Project Management Professional Certification is a job requirement with many firms.

If you need some background information that will help you understand PMP let’s start with this simple description:

Project Management Professional (PMP) is an internationally recognized professional designation offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). There are currently 658,523 active PMP certified individuals and 274 chartered chapters across 204 countries and territories worldwide. The certification exam is based on the PMI Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). Other requirements include a bachelor's degree, at least 4,500 hours of experience leading and directing projects, and 35 hours of formal project management education. A candidate who passes the exam and meets the other professional requirements is awarded the PMP certification.

How does getting your PMP Certification rank with those that follow IT careers?  Government, commercial and other organizations employ PMP certified project managers in an attempt to improve the success rate of projects in all areas of knowledge, by applying a standardized and evolving set of project management principles as contained in PMI's PMBOK Guide.

In December 2005, the PMP credential was tied for fourth place in CertCities.com’s 10 Hottest Certifications for 2006, and in December 2008, it was number 7 of ZDNet’s 10 best IT certifications. More recently, in 2012 and 2013, the PMP credential has been ranked as a top certification by CIO and Global Knowledge.

For 2014, the PMP certification was rated #1 most valuable by IT Career Finder in their "Top 10 Highest Paying IT Certifications for 2014" Outside of IT, the PMP ranked #5 with Global Knowledge "15 Top-Paying Certifications for 2014", and #8 with Careerealism "Top 10 Professional Certifications For A Bright Future"

Our PMP Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled about 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to www.leapuniversity.biz for more info.

Leap University
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Higher Education and Leisure Time

Did you know that several recent studies show that people with a higher level of education tend to have more time to spend on leisure activities? As an aside, they also have more disposable income with which to fund their leisure time activities.

There are two ways to track changes and trends for leisure and entertainment –expenditures of money and expenditures of time. What was found is a growing social stratification – higher income households are increasing in those expenditures while lower income households have declining expenditures. Now we will take a look at changes to the time Americans spend at leisure activities, and especially at away-from-home entertainment.

Without getting into a lot of statistics and details, what the researchers found is that between 1965 and 2003, the amount of time adults spend in pure leisure and social leisure decreased for both men and women and the amount of fragmented leisure time increased. The authors of one research paper summarized it this way, "In stark contrast with the changing amount of leisure, most of our quality indicators show declines in the quality of leisure time over this period for both men and women... Despite general increases in leisure time, Americans report feeling increasingly harried now compared with 40 years ago."

Today, more than ever in a context where dollars for leisure time are stretched and give way to individualism, we must reaffirm our commitment to keep educational progress moving forward to new education levels where we learn to "live better and well” and where we can work on our own social transformation.

It is widely known that the physical, intellectual health and education level of the younger generation represents a state of well-being, emotional stability, increased income and a positive self-image, as compared to addictions, which reflect an affective disorder, a fractured self-image at the emotional level, which is supposed to occur from the lack of leisure time preoccupations.

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to www.leapuniversity.biz for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Outstanding Advantages To PMP Certification

In the project management field, the question of whether or not to earn your Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification is often in the air. Many would argue the Project Management Institutes (PMI) PMP certification is an important step forward and a wise career move while others might say that while it is certainly a well-respected credential, it is not for everyone. 
PMP Certification Stands Out On Your Resume

Credentials you have earned in your business analyst career can distinguish you further. The following certifications from The International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) are examples of the types of credentials many employers seek. Competition within the project management discipline is high and employers can afford to be selective. PMP certification in any industry is almost always helpful and in many industries it is even necessary.

PMP Certification Generates Higher Salaries

The average salaries of project managers with certification are significantly higher than those without certification. A 2011 survey of 30,000 project management professionals indicated an average salary of $111,824 per year for those who had received PMP certification compared to an average yearly salary of $97,829 for those who were not certified.

PMP Certification Empowers Better Communications

Many of the PMP experts revealed that PMP certification greatly helped them in their ability to articulate important aspect of a project charter such as project goals, needed resources, assumptions, and risks. It provides you with a common language that allows you to better communicate with clients and vendors and cuts out confusion, need for explanation, and difficulty conveying a point.

With certified  project  managers  in  great  demand  across industries and geographies, Project Management Institute (PMI) certification will help you to stand out from a pool of candidates for a  coveted  job.  The  certification  displays  your  knowledge, skills and experience in project management to lead and direct projects. It provides a great opportunity to learn new techniques for your project management role.

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to www.leapuniversity.biz for more info.

Leap University LLC
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Project Management Professional Certification Has Chanaged

Did you know that Project Management Professional Certification is being tested under a new set of rules and guidelines. It could mean that all of your prep results have gone away. There is still time if you act now.

A recently completed Role Delineation Study (RDS) provided an updated description of the project management professional role. Research included a large-scale survey of global Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification holders to validate updates to domains, tasks, knowledge, and skills. The RDS captures perspectives of project management practitioners from all industries, work settings, and regions. It serves as the foundation for the PMP exam and ensures its validity and relevance.

Some of What Changed in Version 4.0

Exams utilizing language aides did reflect the current exam through November 1, 2015.
After November 1, exams utilized language aides reflecting the new exam content.

Changes Include:

    No change to the 5 domains of practice.
    Addition of 8 new tasks.

Some of What You May Want To Learn About:

    Why the PMP exam is changing
    What’s been updated — and why
    How these changes impact the PMP exam content
    The difference between an RDS update and a PMBOK® Guide update

If you test under the current guidelines you certification will be accepted and current. As long as you complete your studies and test before the November 1st deadline.

For those of you looking to take the PMP exam this year, consider taking the exam before the new changes go into effect in November.  

Our PMP Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled about 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to www.leapuniversity.biz for more info.

Leap University
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Monday, December 7, 2015

What Do You Remember About December 7, 1941

“A Date Which Will Live in Infamy”: FDR Asks for a Declaration of War. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941, stunned virtually everyone in the United States military. Japan's carrier-launched bombers found Pearl Harbor totally unprepared.
 Japan intended the attack as a preventive action to keep the U.S. Pacific Fleet from interfering with military actions the Empire of Japan planned in Southeast Asia against overseas territories of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the United States. There were near-simultaneous Japanese attacks on the U.S.-held Philippines, Guam and Wake Island and on the British Empire in Malaya, Singapore, and Hong Kong. The attacks - from troop landings at Kota Bharu, Malaya, to the air attacks ranging geographically from Hong Kong to Pearl Harbor - took place over seven hours.

The attack began at 7:48 a.m. local Hawaiian Time. The base was attacked by 353 Japanese fighter planes, bombers, and torpedo planes in two waves, launched from six aircraft carriers. All eight U.S. Navy battleships were damaged, with four sunk. All but Arizona were later raised, and six were returned to service and went on to fight in the war. The Japanese also sank or damaged three cruisers, three destroyers, an anti-aircraft training ship, and one minelayer. 188 U.S. aircraft were destroyed; 2,403 Americans were killed and 1,178 others were wounded. Important base installations such as the power station, shipyard, maintenance, and fuel and torpedo storage facilities, as well as the submarine piers and headquarters building (also home of the intelligence section) were not attacked. Japanese losses were light: 29 aircraft and five midget submarines lost, and 64 servicemen killed. One Japanese sailor, Kazuo Sakamaki, was captured.

The attack came as a profound shock to the American people and led directly to the American entry into World War II in both the Pacific and European theaters. The following day, December 8, the United States declared war on Japan. Domestic support for non-interventionism, which had been fading since the German attack on France in 1940, disappeared. Clandestine support of the United Kingdom (e.g., the Neutrality Patrol) was replaced by active alliance. Subsequent operations by the U.S. prompted Germany and Italy to declare war on the U.S. on December 11, which was reciprocated by the U.S. the same day.

There were numerous historical precedents for unannounced military action by Japan. However, the lack of any formal warning, particularly while negotiations were still apparently ongoing, led President Franklin D. Roosevelt to proclaim December 7, 1941, "a date which will live in infamy". Because the attack happened without a declaration of war and without explicit warning, the attack on Pearl Harbor was judged by the Tokyo Trials to be a war crime.

With Leap University you will have the opportunity to combine the tools and techniques obtained through all the courses in different specializations. Your new education can give you a leg up on your competition either in a freelance or on as a gem on your resume.

Presented By:
Leap University
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284

Friday, December 4, 2015

Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course

Flexibility: PMI certifications are not based on one specific methodology, so they’re flexible and adaptable.

Always Relevant: PMI continually conducts in-depth studies to ensure that our credentials actually reflect the current skills, knowledge and best practices you need to succeed.
Here are some benefits of PMP certification:

Globally recognized and respected certification: The PMP certification is globally recognized and respected certification provided by PMI, the leading association of Project Management Professionals. With 12% increase in number of PMP®/CAPM® certification every year, they have been made the de-facto industry standard for Project Managers.

The PMP certification recognizes your expertise in Project Management: The PMP certification tells your current and potential employers that you have a solid foundation of project management knowledge, which could be readily applied at the workplace.

You will be a member of one of the most prestigious professional groups: By attaining the PMP certification, your name will be included in the largest and most prestigious group of certified Project Management Professionals.

Better salary: It has been observed that Project Managers, who have the PMP certification, draw more salary than their counterparts, who do not have the aforementioned certification.

Better job opportunities: With the requirements for qualified Project Managers expected to increase exponentially in the future, the job market for PMP Certified managers will get better.

Globally recognized by leading companies: The PMP certification is endorsed by leading companies. In fact, they encourage their Project Managers to have the PMP certification.

We Offer Both Classroom and Online Solutions for your needs.

Our Project Management Professional Certification Classroom Prep Course has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled over 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with your success in mind. We offer both online and classroom course paths. Use four full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam.

If you’d like to know about PMP Certification, go to www.leapuniversity.biz for more info.

Leap University
315 West Elliot Road
Tempe Arizona 85284